Monday, December 7, 2009

Eight Million Stories

Ok I exaggerate. How about 6? I only worked 3 1/2 hours and it was a Monday!

Delivery #1 - $28.77 on credit card - the customer (a young couple) was very proud to have ordered pizza over the internet for their first time ever! Tip = $3

Delivery #2a - $13.99 cash order to an apartment less than a mile from the store. Older man with a cane answers the door (slowly). Tipped $4.01 which was very generous for a small order so close to the store. It was my best tip of the night.

Delivery #2b - This was a double, delivered to a house I had been to 2 weeks ago. Remarked to the customer that this was getting to be a regular thing. Order was $16.99 and the customer added $2.01, paying by credit card.

Delivery #3 - $13.42 pasta order. Customer paid by credit card, tipped $3 cash, and was wearing a Hungry Howies shirt. He obviously works for a competitor of our shop! But they don't make pasta.

Delivery #4 - $16.99 cash order, and a stiff. Young guy was friendly, remarked how good it smelled and "I don't know how you guys drive around with pizza in your cars, I'd be munching on it if it was me." My first stiff after 11 consecutive tips in my first 4 nights back driving.

Delivery #5 - $23.91 on a credit card order, customer tipped $3.09. The unique thing was the credit card was a ULoad card in the name of Valued Customer. I never saw one of those before!

Nightly totals are 3.5 hours worked, 20 miles driven, 6 deliveries, and $15 in tips. The first hour was the best with 3 deliveries and $9.