Friday, August 28, 2009

Potential deal points leaked concerning Tengzhong's purchase of Hummer

As the Opel transaction takes on Biblical intrigue, the Hummer exchange goes on in another dark corner, laboriously, like the gestation of an elephant. The latest report from a Chinese news website states that General Motors and Tengzhong "might sign an agreement" this week, but that strikes us as exceedingly optimistic seeing that there's been no word on the government approving the deal yet.

Slightly more believable are the supposed deal points that would guide Tengzhong's initial ownership of Hummer: Tengzhong will own all of Hummer's intellectual property rights and sales network, but would not build Hummers in China and would operate the company as an off-shore entity based out of Detroit or Nashville. General Motors would continue to build Hummers until 2012 and provide "technical services," and Tengzhong would continue to fund research and development, while the "off-shore" Hummer team (read: probably the folks doing the job now) would be responsible for launching the new H3 and H4. As for that H4, though, the article lists them as "CUV models." If the H4 is a CUV, we hope they manage to make it look like the 2008 Hummer HX concept shown above.

Tengzhong reps are headed to Detroit to continue discussions. The General's response, according to the CEO of Hummer is that "Negotiations continue to progress and the transaction will be announced upon the signing of the definitive agreement as soon as appropriate." Hat tip to Emilio!